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Bring HealthySteps into Your Practice to Help Parents Foster Healthy Childhood Development

HealthySteps is an evidence-based program that enables pediatric and primary care medical practices to ensure babies and toddlers have a strong start in life. By integrating a child development and behavioral health prevention and promotion expert into the pediatric primary care team, HealthySteps provides children ages 0-3 and their families a variety of services based on their needs, including universal screening, positive parenting guidance, care coordination and on-site intervention. 


HealthySteps practices serve as trusted and valuable partners as families foster their children’s healthy development. The entire practice works together to implement the HealthySteps model, with leadership from a Physician Champion and a HealthySteps Specialist. 


A multi-site randomized controlled trial and other site-level studies have demonstrated positive outcomes for children and families who access HealthySteps, and for the physicians and practices that serve them. 


Today there are over 30 sites across Colorado that offer HealthySteps, and we have an ambitious goal of reaching 25% of Colorado’s children by the end of 2025. The HealthySteps National Office aims to reach more than 1 million young children and families annually by 2032. 


HealthySteps is administered by ZERO TO THREE, the nation’s leading nonprofit dedicated to supporting early childhood development. The HealthySteps National Office at ZERO TO THREE recognizes Assuring Better Child Health & Development (ABCD) as the State Intermediary for HealthySteps in Colorado.

HealthySteps focuses on the first three years of a child’s life when brain development is most critical.
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